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HomeExclusiveBengali is the top earning language in the UK

Bengali is the top earning language in the UK

Sunday,Nov22,2020,9:19 am

Newsman : We are living in the global village today. Despite the geographical distance, states are interdependent economically, politically and humanly as well. The people are now connected to each other beyond their political borders. Migration has become inevitable. Surviving is more important than the sorrow. Living in a super competitive world like today, requires not only the excellence but ability to fit in the modern world. The Language plays the most indispensable role politically & economically the gateway to the success. It doesn’t matter, what is the language is, but it does matter where & when it is needed. Thus the economic diplomacy is seeking the new way of communication for the wealth.

Today, 7,117 languages are spoken, but just 23 languages account for more than half the world’s population. This number is constantly in fluctuation, because we’re learning more about the world’s languages every day. And beyond that, the languages themselves are in fluctuation. They’re living and dynamic, spoken by communities whose lives are shaped by our rapidly changing world. This is a fragile time: Roughly 40% of languages are now endangered, often with less than 1,000 speakers remaining. Meanwhile, just 23 languages account for more than half the world’s population. There are now 20 are the most speaking language in the world today. Among the top 7 language In that list of course the English (Total 1,132 million) is on the top following  Mandarin Chinese (1,117 million), Hindi (615 million, Spanish (534 million) French( 280 million) Standard Arabic( 274 million) And the Bengali ( 265 million).

New research by theknowledgeacademy.com has found the highest paid language skills for 2020 is the Bengali, the language was saved by the great Language movement of 1952.This movement was not only took life of martyr but led to the independence Bangladesh through blood bath. Today, when the country is observing its golden jubilee, the new research just has come out with surprising news that the Bengali language is the number to the path of economic emancipation. It is indeed the highest earning language in the world workforce.

The research by theknowledgeacademy.com found, of all 20 languages analyzed, knowing or learning the Bengali language could earn you the greatest salary, at an average of £38,064 per annum. However, there are only 20 job matches for the Bengali language currently available, which indicates this language skill though well-paid is highly competitive.

The languages Mandarin and Russian are next, with average salaries of £30,000 and £28,000, respectively. Luckily, your chances of landing a job that involves speaking Mandarin or Russian are higher. Currently, there are 174 job matches for Mandarin and 147 job matches for Russian.

Interestingly, earlier this year OnBuy.com found Japanese is the most sought-after language to learn on YouTube and yet it ranks in 6th place for the highest-paid language skills. In fact, according to theknowledgeacademy.com, a role that involves speaking Japanese will earn an average salary of £27,478 per annum.

Closing the highest paid language skills for 2020 is Lithuanian, with an average salary of £22,500 – £15,564 less than you might earn if you were able to speak Bengali!

Dennis Relojo-Howell, founder of Psychreg, whose fourth language is English, shared his experience to the knowledge academy “learning a language and developing a new skill in today’s climate is advantageous.” 

“My fluency in Filipino and English allows me to effectively communicate with my team. But the benefits of being multilingual is not just for the business sector. Research has shown that multilingualism has many social, psychological and lifestyle advantages.”

Sergio Alfonso, a language expert at ‘Absolute Translations’ described “Flashcards are efficient and allow you to learn in a flexible setting. If you find yourself having a few moments spare, flash cards add up to big language gains over time. You can go traditional and buy index cards, write down vocabulary words which you want to memorise, and colour code them. If you prefer going digital there are many online programs which allow you to create your own flashcards plus access others people have created.

When you’re learning a list of words, recalling them aimlessly isn’t going to help forever. Your brain is more likely to remember things once they’ve been applied to real life conversations. Applying what you’ve learnt by speaking to a teacher or friend is crucial as it continues the learning. A good way is to practise writing the same word in at least ten different sentences as soon as you’ve mastered it. Repeating it in context will help you to make sense of what you’ve learnt moments ago.

When you’re doing something you love, nothing feels like a chore. A good way to pick up phrases and sentences of a foreign language is by slotting them into your everyday life. Memorise lyrics to original songs in a foreign language or translated songs that you already know – this will allow your brain to make the connection between common words. You can also watch TV shows you’re familiar with dubbed in a foreign language or watch the original series with subtitles – this way you can make a note of common words at your own pace.

Employers are searching for applicants who have a variety of abilities that they can share amongst their cooperation. Not only does learning a language show your curiosity about the world, but it also increases your professional value within the company as you are able to interact with a broader range of people. This skill will be invaluable for building new relationships and appeal to other global companies.”


RankLanguagesAverage SalaryWageJob Matches
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