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HomeDiplomacy“We need hope …. Let’s have no illusions”- Guterres

“We need hope …. Let’s have no illusions”- Guterres

Newsman:   UN General Assembly debate opens as world’s leaders reconvene entirely in person for first time since pandemic began. The secretary General Antonio Guterres expressed serious concerns on global food crisis and fate of the Sustainable Development Goals. He underscored the core mission of the United Nations – achieving and sustaining peace and said “Our world is in peril – and paralyzed.”

Opening the77th Session of the UN General Assembly Tuesday, the UN chief said, Crises like the climate emergency and biodiversity loss. These crises threaten the very future of humanity and the fate of our planet.

UN Secretary General Guterres urged “We need hope …. And more, we need action across the board. Let’s have no illusions.”

“crises like the lack of guardrails around promising new technologies to heal disease, connect people and expand opportunity , the international community is not ready or willing to tackle the big dramatic challenges of our age” he said.

the fate of the Sustainable Development Goals is very much threatened and the  dire financial situation of developing countries is a serious crises ,Secretary General added.

To ease the global food crisis, we now must urgently address the global fertilizer market crunch.

This year, the world has enough food; the problem is distribution. But if the fertilizer market is not stabilized, next year’s problem might be food supply itself – he said.

But as we come together in a world teeming with turmoil, an image of promise and hope comes to my mind, he added.  

The UN Secretary General Guterres  said, It is essential to continue removing all remaining obstacles to the export of Russian fertilizers and their ingredients, including ammonia.  These products are not subject to sanctions – and we are making progress in eliminating indirect effects.

Another major concern is the impact of high gas prices on the production of nitrogen fertilizers. This must also be addressed seriously.

Without action now, the global fertilizer shortage will quickly morph into a global food shortage.

The order of speakers is given first to member states, then observer states and supranational bodies. Any other observers entities will have a chance to speak at the end of the debate, if they so choose. Speakers will be put on the list in the order of their request, with special consideration for ministers and other government officials of similar or higher rank.

 According to the rules in place for the General Debate, the statements should be in of the United Nations official languages of Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian or Spanish, and will be translated by the translators. Though there is no time limit for speeches, a voluntary guideline of 15 minutes is requested.[

addressing the opening session of the 77th UNGA debate , UN chief said  cost-of-living crisis is ragin, Trust is crumbling, Inequalities are exploding, Our planet is burning, People are hurting – with the most vulnerable suffering the most.

The United Nations Charter and the ideals it represents are in jeopardy.

“We have a duty to action “he said. And yet we are gridlocked in colossal global dysfunction.

There is crises like the lack of guardrails around promising new technologies to heal disease, connect people and expand opportunity.


In just the time since I became Secretary-General, he said, a tool has been developed to edit genes.

Neuro technology – connecting technology with the human nervous system – has progressed from idea to proof of concept.

Crypto currencies and other blockchain technologies are widespread. But across a host of new technologies, there is a forest of red flags.

Social media platforms based on a business model that monetizes outrage, anger and negativity are causing untold damage to communities and societies.

Our data is being bought and sold to influence our behavior – while spyware and surveillance are out of control – all, with no regard for privacy.

Artificial intelligence is compromising the integrity of information systems, the media, and indeed democracy itself.

Quantum computing could destroy cyber security and increase the risk of malfunctions to complex systems.

We don’t have the beginnings of a global architecture to deal with any of this.

Progress on all these issues and more is being held hostage to geopolitical tensions.

Urging for the ‘coalition of the world’ he said , Even the various groupings set up outside the multilateral system by some members of the international community have fallen into the trap of geopolitical divides, like the G-20.

At one stage, international relations seemed to be moving toward a G-2 world; now we risk ending up with G-nothing.

No major global challenge can be solved by a coalition of the willing.

But he said, much of the world’s attention remains focused on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In Israel and Palestine, cycles of violence under the occupation continue as prospects for peace based on a two-state solution grow ever more distant.

In Myanmar, the appalling humanitarian, human rights and security situation is deteriorating by the day.

Meanwhile nuclear saber-rattling and threats to the safety of nuclear plants are adding to global instability.

We need much more concerted action everywhere anchored in respect for international law and the protection of human rights. we must also prioritize prevention and peacebuilding

“We are committed to make the most of every diplomatic tool for the pacific settlement of disputes, as set out in the United Nations Charter: negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration and judicial settlement” Secretary General said .

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