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HomeHeadlineDonald Trump announced his Presidential bid for 2024

Donald Trump announced his Presidential bid for 2024

Newsman: Former President Donald Trump ,76 an nounced Tuesday that he will seek the presidency again in 2024. Donald Trump made his official an announcement for 2024 Presidential race Tuesday night telling supporters he will “make America great and glorious again.” “I am announcing my candidacy for president of the United States,” Donald Trump said.His intention to run again was potential of a comeback since before he even left the White House in 2021. Trump, 76,

“America’s comeback starts right now,” Trump said during his speech at his Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach, Florida.

 “In order to make America great and glorious again, I am tonight announcing my candidacy for president of the United States,” Trump told a crowd gathered at Mar-a-Lago, where his campaign will be headquartered.

“America’s comeback starts right now,” Trump said, claiming, “Your country is being destroyed before your eyes.”

 Trump filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission saying he was running for president in 2024, and setting up a fundraising account Minutes before his scheduled 9 p.m. announcement from Mar-a-Lago.

Surrounded by allies, advisers, Trump in his speech claimed the party cannot afford to nominate “a politician or conventional candidate” if it wants to win back the White House.

“This will not be my campaign, this will be our campaign all together,” Trump said.

Throughout the hour-long speech, Trump made clear that he wants his campaign to be seen by Republicans as a sacrificial undertaking.

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“Anyone who truly seeks to take on this rigged and corrupt system will be faced with a storm of fire that only a few could understand,” he said at one point, describing the legal and emotional toll his presidency and post-presidential period has taken on his family members.

 “I have no doubt that by 2024, it will sadly be much worse and they will see clearly what has happened and is happening to our country – and the voting will be much different,” he claimed.

If Trump is ultimately successful to be the GOP 2024 Presidential candidate, he would be just the second president in U.S. history to serve two nonconsecutive terms.

At the G-20 summit of world leaders in Indonesia, a reporter asked President Joe Biden and President Emmanuel Macron of France if they had any reactions to a Trump 2024 presidential run.

According to a White House pool report, the president responded “not really.”

Macron, the pool report noted, stayed silent and did not react. 

As president, Trump faced criticism over several of his actions, especially his management of the worst public health crisis in nearly a century – the Covid-19 pandemic – though his administration helped facilitate the development of vaccines to treat the novel coronavirus in record time. While in office, Trump signed sweeping tax cuts into law, enacted controversial hard-line immigration policies, including a policy that separated migrant children from their families and one known as “Remain in Mexico,” which the US Supreme Court ruled in June could be ended by his successor, and appointed hundreds of federal judges with deep conservative credentials. He also successfully nominated three Supreme Court justices, whose decisions this year as part of the court’s majority have shifted American society and laws rightward on issues such as abortion, guns, religious freedom and climate change.

The former real estate businessman and reality TV star was first elected to office in 2016, beating out a wide field of more than a dozen GOP candidates in primary, and then prevailing over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a contentious general election, despite sexual misconduct allegations that would have typically been campaign-ending.

He also was blasted by critics over his handling of Hurricane Maria, which devastated Puerto Rico in 2017; the White nationalist rally, also in 2017, in Charlottesville, Virginia, where Heather Heyer was killed while walking with a group of counterprotesters; and Black Lives Matter protests.

As president, Trump was an impulsive leader, who dispensed with long-standing norms, often announcing policy and Cabinet personnel changes on Twitter. (He was ultimately banned from the platform following the US Capitol riot and was later barred from Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube as well.)

He pushed an “America First” foreign policy approach, pulling the US out of international agreements such as the Paris climate accord and the Iran nuclear deal, a pair of controversial moves that were decried by many of America’s top European allies.

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