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HomeNationalThousands claim 'stolen' election: Four stabbed 23 arrested

Thousands claim ‘stolen’ election: Four stabbed 23 arrested

Newsman:  Thousands of President Donald Trump’s supporters returned to Washington on Saturday protesting the election results claiming the election was stolen.  Despite the protest was peaceful through the day the rally ended with scattered clashes between rally goers and counter protesters near Black Lives Matter Plaza near the White House.
Four people were stabbed with eight injured including Police officers and at least 23 people were arrested. Large groups of protesters and counter-protesters gathered earlier in the day outside the Supreme Court and at Freedom Plaza to protest the presidential election results.

Thousands protest the election results on Saturday’s rally at Washington DC

While at least 10,000 people joined the rally at the nation’s capital, Cheers went up as the Marine One passed over the rally on the National Mall. President Trump flew overhead on the Marine One helicopter on his way to the Army-Navy football game in West Point, New York. President Trump tweeted on Saturday morning “Wow! Thousands of people forming in Washington (D.C.) for stop the Steal. Didn’t know about this, but I’ll be seeing them! #MAGA”. Trump left the White House around midday for the trip to the U.S. Military Academy. At a pro-Trump demonstration in Washington a month ago, Trump thrilled supporters when he passed by in his motorcade en route to his Virginia golf club.

The rallies certainly are intended as a show of force just two days before the Electoral College meets to formally elect Joe Biden as the 46th president and the back President Trump’s desperate efforts to overturn the November 3rd, election results that he lost to Joe Biden. President Trump refuses to concede, while clinging to ‘baseless claims’ of fraud that have been rejected by state and federal courts, and Friday by the Supreme Court.  President Trump’s term will end Jan. 20 through the oath taking ceremony of the new president of the United States of America.

Protests on Saturday claims the election was stolen

The gathering on the National Mall, called the “Jericho March,” was described on its website as a “prayer rally” with speakers “praying for the walls of corruption and election fraud to fall down.”A separate, smaller rally was taking place on Freedom Plaza downtown.

Former national security adviser Michael Flynn ,My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell and right-wing activist Jack Posobiec. former Trump adviser Sebastian Gorka aere among the speakers. Michael Flynn was pardon recently  by president trump from  wiped away his conviction for lying to the FBI during the Russia investigation.

Speaking at the rally the rally Michael Flynn said, “People ask me this all the time now, in the last couple of days certainly, on a scale of one to 10, who’s going to be the next president of the United States. And I say 1o, Donald J. Trump! 10!”  

Flynn also mentioned “That’s pretty cool. Imagine just being able to jump in a helicopter and just go for a joy ride around Washington,” as the Marine One flew overhead at the time when he was addressing the crowd.  
Sebastian Gorka, a former Trump adviser, who urged demonstrators not to give up even after Friday’s Supreme Court decision. He said he wanted to send Trump a video and held up his phone, cueing the flag-waving crowd to chant “Stop the Steal.”

DC Mayor Muriel Bowser’s public information office said, DC Fire and EMS transported eight people from the protest area since around 7 p.m.: the four stabbing victims, who were said to be in critical condition, two police officers with non-life-threatening injuries and two people with minor injuries, At least 23 people have been arrested during the “Stop the Steal” protests, the mayor’s office said.

Six people were arrested for assault on police officers, 10 were arrested for simple assault, four for violent acts, two for crossing a police line and one for possession of a prohibited weapon — a Taser, according to the mayor’s office said.

Police closed a wide swath of downtown to traffic and completely restricted Black Lives Matter Plaza. But a block away from it , more than a hundred anti-Trump protesters rallied, determined to protect the space. Small groups of Trump supporters who entered the area were verbally abused. A group of about 50 men wearing the black and yellow of the far-right fascist group the Proud Boys circled the perimeter. Police kept them two blocks away from the anti-Trump rally.

Several groups who attended last month’s protest marched again on Saturday. Those included the Proud Boys, a self-proclaimed “Western-chauvinist” organization known for violent confrontations with left-wing protesters. It’s considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

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